
Meditation Continues

When your hair is a mess but you’re in a good mood. 🙂 Tomorrow is the last day of the meditation challenge I participated in and posted about a while ago. I must admit it took a few days—maybe more than a few to get adjusted to making the time to quiet my mind and focus and actually mediate. I would probably say that is what I am most proud about. My mind freaking wanders!!! Miles a minute. So slowing down and clearing it to focus my intentions in meditation continues to be something I am working on.

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Fitness FAQ

My Top 5 FA(Fitness)Q

1. What do you like about working out?

A: I didn’t always. I reluctantly started for aesthetic purposes. Mainly because I wanted a bigger butt. (Haha) but after consistently putting in the work, and seeing the results, I got hooked. What I love most about fitness is the transformational opportunities we are ALL capable of. Mentally and physically. It has taught me discipline, and patience. It’s also a damn good stress reliever if you ask me.


Continue reading “Fitness FAQ”

Visiting Hiroshima

Hello there!! Keisy Myumi checking in. I recently visited Japan for two weeks to visit my family. When Sarah and Mary asked me to be a contributor to TCD, I was beyond excited to share my memories from my trip. It took me a while to muster up the courage to share this sentimental yet pivotal part of my experience. There were two legs on my journey. The first stop was to Continue reading “Visiting Hiroshima”

Cloud Dwellers

I had the opportunity to share my experience visiting the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum as a contributing writer for a pretty cool travel blog. Geared more towards young travelers or just young at heart hipsters that crave a little culture in their life. Sure I could’ve chosen to write about a cool shopping district or about that one night I danced my heart out till 5 am, but I decided to share something more meaningful and personally sentimental. Defiantly one of the highlights of my trip to Japan.

Read more about my trip! ….

Meditation challenge with me

I was introduced to Deepak Chopra by a dear friend of mine. They gifted me with one of his books and since then I have added two more to my collection. He’s prophetic. Oprah and himself are the masterminds behind this meditation challenge. I joined, and I wanted to extend the invitation to anyone else that may be interested. It starts Monday, March 16th and lasts for 21 days. The best part ? It’s free.

Here is the link to sign up:

Let’s work on Manifesting our true desires together!! 🙂

Peace Sign = Cheese!!

The sheer pride and compassionate detail that was put into this little garden tucked ever so gently in the middle of the city was photo and share worthy in my opinion. So unassuming. Not to mention my outfit had me feeling extra cool too. Wearing my favorite Hiroshima Toyo Carps cap IN Hiroshima! I threw up the peace sign to contain my excitement. Otherwise I would have a big cheesy smile and my eyes would be closed. No bueno. Moral of the story?

There is always a bit of serenity within the chaos. It’s easy to overlook but it’s even easier to enjoy. Stop and smell the roses my friends.