Sometimes you have to take a step back from life and enjoy the little things. It’s easy to get caught up in our day to day activities… our schedules, commitments, and even the things that cause us stress. Sometimes we don’t bask in the present. My heart has been heavy lately because I have been neglecting myself-in essence my happiness. I am often hard on myself and am rarely ever satisfied. I have realized that I’m on auto pilot. But. The beauty of the fact is that the present is only a window of time. What we are experiencing in this very moment is not a reflection of what to expect in the future. As cliche as it sounds, any complication that you come across is merely a bump in the road. The first step in progress is always evaluation. Evaluating where you are, what you want, and how you will get it. Another fact that is important to keep in mind is that some things in our surroundings are in our control and some things are not. How we react to things that are out of our control not only builds character but determines the future. Things that we DO have control over are just that… In our hands… And if things aren’t going accordingly…simply change the circumstances in your favor. It is pointless to stress over things that are not in your control-for example if you had a huge BBQ planned and it starts pouring down an hour beforehand. You can’t control the weather, but you can control how you react you it. Bring the party inside. Move forward. Don’t look back. All is not lost. With that being said, I challenge you to ask yourself “Are you happy?” Happiness means something different to everyone. To some it’s security, for some it’s love, for some it’s financial, or physical. Whatever it may be, find a way to find the bright side, do something you enjoy. Make time for what it is that makes you happy, because once you start feeling better… Your energy changes for the better, and once your energy changes you attract all the good things that you deserve.

“If not now…. When?”

Wow. This really touched me. Sparked something inside. I’ve heard many comfort zone related quotes-as many of us have, but for some reason this spoke to me. The comfort zone is a beautiful place. It’s what us as humans yearn for….safety, familiarity, stability, and any other adjective you may personally associate to SECURITY. Aren’t we taught to seek shelter for safety?! BUT. Nothing ever grows there. It’s almost a beautiful contradiction. It’s a personal struggle of mine. Which is another reason why I am so attracted to this subject at the moment. Taking risks and exploring opportunities only leads to the very thing that I constantly strive for…growth. It’s a lot easier said than done-especially for me. But don’t we all start somewhere?! Take a step.

Have you ever looked back on a picture and be like ” I wish I would’ve done my eyebrows!!” ?? LOL! I was so happy, that I just took this picture to remember the moment. I’m all about moments and memories. Anyway. I like the way the sun was coming in the car and how it created a shadow and highlight on my face and I thought it was dope, so….. Now you find me… Sharing! 🙂 Hope everyone’s had some smiles today. There is always a reason to smile, and if you don’t have one… MAKE ONE!! 😉

“Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been. ” -Mark Twain

A new hobby of mine has improved my quality of life in so many ways. I have witnessed first hand how consistency manifests physical results. I have learned to push and challenge myself more and more each day. I have seen sights I have yet to be able to enjoy and been inspired in ways I’ve never experienced. I am learning more and more about myself and I am loving every minute of it. One thing I can say is that nothing worth having comes easy….. So with that being said… WHAT DOESN’T CHALLENGE YOU DOESN’T CHANGE YOU. Set a goal and make it yours!