If you get, give

If you get, give. Super thankful to be able to bring tons of clothes to the shelter this morning. I’ve brought lots of my own things in the past, but obviously I don’t wear men’s clothing, and it sucks to see people get left out, so this time everything pictured I was able to collect just off word of mouth and ASKING people if they had any throw aways. Sometimes that’s all it takes-asking or mentioning.

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They say one man’s trash is another man’s treasure and it felt so great to be able to put smiles on so many faces this morning. I’m extremely thankful to the people that donated and helped me bring joy into people’s lives. Sure Goodwill gives you a tax credit, but the people that really need it aren’t even able to shop, yet alone get there. You are appreciated.

One thought on “If you get, give”

  1. K, I like your work with the shelter and I’d like to help. I am 6’5″ and I have lots of clothes and shoes I could do without. Where can I take them to? Let me know. I am @malikmacs on Instagram.
    Ps: Lisa was trying to connect you and I!


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