When your hair is a mess but you’re in a good mood. 🙂 Tomorrow is the last day of the meditation challenge I participated in and posted about a while ago. I must admit it took a few days—maybe more than a few to get adjusted to making the time to quiet my mind and focus and actually mediate. I would probably say that is what I am most proud about. My mind freaking wanders!!! Miles a minute. So slowing down and clearing it to focus my intentions in meditation continues to be something I am working on.
Tag: perspective
Peace Sign = Cheese!!
The sheer pride and compassionate detail that was put into this little garden tucked ever so gently in the middle of the city was photo and share worthy in my opinion. So unassuming. Not to mention my outfit had me feeling extra cool too. Wearing my favorite Hiroshima Toyo Carps cap IN Hiroshima! I threw up the peace sign to contain my excitement. Otherwise I would have a big cheesy smile and my eyes would be closed. No bueno. Moral of the story?
There is always a bit of serenity within the chaos. It’s easy to overlook but it’s even easier to enjoy. Stop and smell the roses my friends.