Tight hips? Besides being uncomfortable, it can lead to back pain. When your flexors are tight you will have a tendency to lean forward while squatting. A forward lean will shift your center of gravity anteriorly and increase activation of your quadriceps while decreasing activation of your glutes. As a result, when you stand up your flexors are going to stay shortened, which will contribute to an anterior pelvic tilt and make it really difficult to adequately activate the posterior hip muscles. Basically, you need to stretch!!
Tag: personal trainer
K.Myumi takes Olmypia
When I travel, it’s a must for me to find a top notch gym. I’m not going to sit here and lie to you guys and say that it was love at first sight for me with gyms or even working out. I started going to the gym to gain weight, not because I loved gyms. Over time, my passion for fitness grew as did my appreciation for fitness equipment and gyms in general. Now, a nice gym to me is like a nice glass of wine. I am pretty particular about gyms, and also about my wine. (Pinot Noir is my favorite) I have been spending some time in Canada recently, so I needed to find a gym for when I’m there. I am very thankful to have found Olympia.
Here’s what I look for:
Leg & Glute Inspo
Leg & Glute exercises you may not be doing !! 🙂
1. Cling & Romanian Deadlift Combo
These are exhaustingly amazing. Technically they’re two different work outs but are effortlessly combined as shown. Eh, I take back effortlessly. Being that this is a compound movement, your whole body will reap the benefits. I did say exhausting right? But the good kind. Form is most important so I definitely suggest taking baby steps if you’re unfamiliar with the motion. Gotta start somewhere right? Start with the bar and work your way up to a comfortable, yet challenging weight. Plant those feet and focus that weight in your heels, maintain a flat/straight back and always keep your chest up. In life, but especially when performing this exercise to avoid injury. Safety first.